H e l l o  -  I  a m  s o  h a p p y  t h a t  y o u  a r e  h e r e

My name is Steff, and I am proud and humbled to welcome you to moved by WLNS. As a certified group fitness instructor with B.S. in Health & Exercise Science Teaching, Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness Specialist Certification, a love for cooking and a personal goal to always be a lifelong learner, I have been preparing for this moment for years. 

I have been teaching group fitness classes at local fitness centers for over eight years, but I chose to put it on hold when I became a Mom in June 2020. Once I felt ready, I knew I wanted to continue to share my passion for wellness and help others achieve their goals so I created moved by WLNS, and started recording my workouts during nap time.

As a busy individual, I think we can all agree that the only other thing that comes close to the value of your health is your time. WLNS is designed to eliminate the planning and decision making that it takes to achieve optimal wellness. We offer total body workouts designed for any location, schedule & ability level, easy access to workouts on any device, and you can pause or cancel your membership at any time on your terms. Workouts are less than 30 minutes, equipment optional and mindfully formatted so that you are truly getting a total body workout that intentionally targets each muscle group from the comfort of your own home. We offer a private community with recipes, 1:1 support, accountability check-ins, and more!

I hope you find the provided resources on this site helpful, and I look forward to being a part of your wellness journey.
